Rishikul Yogshala Rishikesh

Showing: 1 - 7 of 28 Results
How To Perform Supta Vajrasana (Reclined Thunderbolt Pose) and its Health Benefits

How To Perform Supta Vajrasana (Reclined Thunderbolt Pose) and its Health Benefits

Introduction – Supta Vajrasana Yoga’s vast poses are a profound toolkit for nurturing body and mind. Each posture is intricately crafted to target specific physical and mental well-being aspects, offering a pathway to holistic health. Supta Vajrasana, known as the Reclined Thunderbolt Pose, stands out among these asanas with its distinctive benefits. While considered advanced, the rewards of mastering Supta …

Pranayama: A Simple Guide to Cleansing Your Body and Mind

Pranayama: A Simple Guide to Cleansing Your Body and Mind

Pranayama is an essential part of yoga that links the external and internal consciousness of every human being. Besides taking care of the physical aspect through conscious breathing, It also helps increase mental peace and focus. Additionally, the spiritual element of Pranayama, which connects the practitioner to the Supreme Consciousness, is not unheard of these days. Undoubtedly, It is ranked …

Five Pranayamas To Include In Your Everyday Exercise Routine

Five Pranayamas To Include In Your Everyday Exercise Routine

Introduction – Poweful Five Pranayamas Breathing is the first thing that brings life to the body and the last thing before life leaves. Normal breathing is enough to maintain an everyday life, but Pranayam takes it further. In Sanskrit, “Prana” means life force or energy, and “Yama” means control. So, Pranayam involves conscious regulation of the breath to increase the …

Crocodile Pose Chronicles: Connecting with Strength, Patience, and Precision

Crocodile Pose Chronicles: Connecting with Strength, Patience, and Precision

Makarasana is derived from two Sanskrit words- Makar means “Crocodile” and asana means “Pose”. Makarasana is also known as the Crocodile Pose, which can be practiced for relaxation and to establish diaphragmatic breathing. This pose is considered the best practice for diaphragmatic breathing, which is the key to starting any yogic practice. The crocodile represents precision of motion and agility. …

Harnessing the Power of Vātāyanāsana: A Journey to Flexibility and Strength

Harnessing the Power of Vātāyanāsana: A Journey to Flexibility and Strength

Vatayanasana is derived from two Sanskrit words- Vataya means “Horse” and Asana means “Pose”. This pose resembles the face of a horse. This pose benefits the body- mentally, physically and spiritually.  It targets the upper body, leg muscles, and knee joints and also improves the flexibility of the body. The practice of Vatayanasana improves blood circulation in the hip joints and corrects …

Breathing Through the Feathers: The Importance of Breath in Duck Pose

Breathing Through the Feathers: The Importance of Breath in Duck Pose

Introduction – Himalayan Duck Pose Kāraṇḍavāsana also called Waterfowl Posture or Himalayan Duck Pose derived its name from two Sanskrit words, Karandava (Goosander or Merganser) and Asana (Pose). This pose is a combination of three poses, namely Pincha Mayurasana (Feathered Peacock Pose), Bala Kakasana (Baby Crow Pose) and Padmasana (Lotus Pose). Duck symbolism is closely connected with your emotional state, …