Rishikul Yogshala Rishikesh

Showing: 155 - 161 of 172 Results

5 Things About The Best Yoga TTC in India

When embarking on a new expedition, we often hope to learn from and experience the best in order to become the best. Why should your yoga journey differ? A science so vast that peeling its layers completely requires a lifetime of study and exploration — is not something that anyone can properly deliver. To be successful in acquiring and preaching …

5 Basic Yoga Poses To Stretch

When it comes to personal growth and development, the world is divided into two groups of people. One, souls that sacrifice their power and willingness to improve themselves, reform themselves, or watch more and talk less in order to get information through inner-wisdom rather than blinking screens. Second, those who never give up in life, who strive for higher aspirations, …

4 Best Yoga Poses to Relieve Back Pain

Is your aching back making you want to scream at whoever has your voodoo doll to stop? Yes, yoga pose relive back pain can be excruciatingly painful, and it can be caused by a variety of factors ranging from carelessness and poor posture to a lack of exercise and nutrition, as well as psychological health and rising stress levels. There …

4 Best Yoga Teacher Training in India

A ‘thinking’ is the first wonderful step toward a positive development. It is a ‘thinking’ that propels us towards self-realization and lifelong improvement. The day this notion is implanted in our minds and we are motivated by it, the remainder of the route is all about staying focused in the same direction. The long road to happiness and fulfilment is …

4 Best Core Facts Of Yoga Teacher Training In India

On the long-awaited voyage to learn and practise the most ancient forms of science ever discovered, finding the suitable venue that can give the science’s knowledge with veracity becomes equally difficult. Yoga, a science and an art form that originated in India, has long been acknowledged and performed on a global scale. People, yogis, and aspirants from all over the …