Rishikul Yogshala Rishikesh

Showing: 1 - 7 of 12 Results
5 Easy Steps to Mastering Diaphragmatic Breathing for Beginners

5 Easy Steps to Mastering Diaphragmatic Breathing for Beginners

Introduction Diaphragmatic breathing is a powerful practice of deep breathing that provides solutions to many common problems. It helps detoxify the body, relieve stress, control blood pressure, increase mental clarity, reduce overthinking, increase longevity, and promote holistic healing. Furthermore, deep breathing increases introspection, inner peace, and spiritual well-being, which connects us to the divine. Many ancient texts mention diaphragmatic breathing, …

What is Bhastrika Pranayama and its variation?

What is Bhastrika Pranayama and its variation?

In the serene realm of yoga, where the union of mind, body, and breath harmonizes, Bhastrika Pranayama stands as a powerful practice. Its name is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Bhastrika’, meaning bellows, this breathing exercise resembles the rhythmic pumping of a blacksmith’s bellows. Bhastrika Pranayama is renowned for its ability to invigorate the body, clear the mind, and awaken …

How To Do Kapalbhati Pranayama And What Are Its Benefits

How To Do Kapalbhati Pranayama And What Are Its Benefits

Introduction Pranayama is an essential part of the ancient practice of yoga. It helps control and expand the vital force of life, i.e., breath, to ensure overall human well-being. Kapalbhati, or Skull Shining Breath, is a rapid and forceful breathing technique of Pranayama that provides immense physical and mental benefits. It involves forceful exhalation and passive inhalation aimed at cleansing …

How to Practice Anulom - Viloma Pranayama and its health benefits in our daily life

How to Practice Anulom – Viloma Pranayama and its health benefits in our daily life

Finding times of peace in the busyness of modern life is essential for our general well-being. Amidst the chaos, ancient practices like Anulom-Viloma Pranayama offer a pathway to inner peace and vitality. This centuries-old breathing exercise holds profound significance in the realm of yoga, fostering harmony between mind, body, and spirit. Let’s delve into the art of Anulom-Viloma Pranayama and …